It is easy to say "When I grow up, I want to be a good doctor, dentist, teacher...", but the most important to know when we think in our dream job are talents or abilities we have. Also, we must take in consideration many things when choosing a job, the hours to job, how much money you make if it is a good salary for me, how is my workplace. And, it's important to consider when we chose a career the characteristics that we have, for example if I am creative and hardworking person. The education is the key to find our best future, therefore is important to choose the best career for us. I choose to study dentistry because I am good with my hands, problem solver and creative person. My career is so interesting for the reason that is a health area and of esthetic. For this reason, I want to make a good job for my clients. This is a high salary job, many people pay a lot of money to have a nice smile and excellent healthy in their teeth. Also, I love my job because I don't like to work in a factory, I like work for myself, I want to have my own dental clinic and help schools, nursing home and poor populations.
Dentristy is a good job, I dont like but is intersting..